Saturday Night

Saturday Night Reunion
We have done our best to identify those in the pictures on these and all the reunion pages.
If we are not sure of the person in the picture, then the reunion book was searched to find the identity of that person. Please contact us with any corrections.

Laurel Allen Ryan,
Rosie Viramontez Gavaldon & Robert Gavaldon

Christine Remington Webb,
Sharon Burks McClinton,
Mike Kester,
Jill Cutler Pounders

Sylvia Serrano Solano, Bill Zabala?,
Vickie Lebsock Alexander?,
Celice Richardson Fletcher, Jerry Fagan

Christi & John Hall, Margie Raya Torrence, Christine Remington Webb,
Sharon Burks McClinton
Diane Martin & Ron Tenoglio

Barry & Cheri Jaeger Potechin

Sharon Burks McClinton,
Sheila Thacker Swartz,
Christine Remington Webb

Ed & Mary Garcher Pierce

Dennis Myskow,
Virginia Aguilar Riley

Mary Garcher Pierce, Sunnie Bishop Jung, ???

Elainne Hudson Edwards,
Judy Beezley,
Francine Johnson &
Daisy Johnson

Sharon Burks McClinton

Ron is telling Roz. to be quiet
(He used different wording)

Valerie Wallack Hart

Lund & Karen Frazier Johnson

Larry Webb, Dennis Myskow, ???

Friday Night
Saturday Setup & Registration
Saturday Night
Newspaper Write up
Committee Meetings

Joe Hermisillo & Wayne Arington